Individual Library Card Application

Madison Public Library

Individual Library Card Application

Apply for or renew a Library card account at Madison Public Library by filling out the form below.

If you are applying for a new Library card account or replacing a lost Library card, a new card will be mailed to you once you complete this form. If you are renewing your account or updating information on it, you can continue to use the Library card you have once we update your account with the information from this form. If your card is lost AND needs to be renewed, you should select "Replace a lost card."

Your Library card provides access to Wisconsin's Digital Library, numerous online resources, and allows you to log in and place holds on physical materials in LINKcat. Please note that if you apply online, you will not be able to use your new card until you receive it in the mail. If you would like to use your card the same day you apply, please visit your local neighborhood library with your photo ID and provide permanent address verification or an acceptable address.

PLEASE NOTE: Applying for a Library Card requires you to submit a copy/photograph of a valid photo IDAcceptable forms of photo ID include State ID/driver’s license, school ID, work ID, passport, official DMV print-out, military ID, or consular ID.

Applying for Cards for Youth Ages 0-15


Please fill out the form below with the information of the child/youth and submit a copy/photograph of a valid photo ID of the child's parent or guardian.

Students without Parent/Guardian ID

Students age 15 and under may apply for an Easy Access Card by submitting a copy/photograph of their school ID or other valid photo ID.

Please email or call (608) 266-6357 if you have any questions.

Madison Public Library cards are only available to people live in the Madison, WI area or the South Central Library System. If you live outside this service area, please contact your local library to apply for a card.

Why does this page look different?

You may have noticed that the URL and styling of the page are different than Because you are required to upload a copy of your photo ID, we wanted to give that file even more security than what our public website offers. You can submit your application confident that only Library staff will be able to see the file you upload and that once your application has been processed, the file will be deleted.

Application Type
What is the purpose of this application?
Checking this box will make the requested account an Easy Access Card instead of a Full Use Card. This will limit this card to having a maximum of 3 physical items checked out at a time.
If you don't have one, enter "na".
If applicable.
Select a library to be your "home library." This is the library location where you will usually pick up your holds at.
When you place holds, you can get notifications for when they are ready for you to pick them up. Please select an option.
Fill this out if the name on your ID is different from the name you listed above.
Files must be less than 25 MB.
Allowed file types: jpg jpeg png pdf.
I will be responsible for all materials checked out on this card, including materials checked out by others with or without my consent, unless I have previously reported the loss of my card. I will report a lost or stolen card, or any change of personal information (name, address, phone, email), immediately. I will comply with all library rules and policies. I understand that there will be charges for lost, damaged and stolen library materials. I understand that the library provides access to a broad range of resources and that it is my responsibility to judge for myself and for my children or minor dependents what resources are appropriate for my/our personal use.
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